Our School Attendance Target is a minimum of 98%
In accordance with the national average, children in our school are expected to attend regularly and on time, unless there are exceptional circumstances to consider.
School acknowledges that pupils may well be absent occasionally due to illness, sudden unforeseen circumstances or with prior permissions (obtained by a written request in advance) from the Headteacher.
Recently the Government amended key legislation relating specifically to authorisation of leave during term time. The Government has taken a firmer stance against parents who take their children out of school for a family holiday.
This policy is not to authorise family holidays during term-time.
Penalty Notices may be issued to each parent of a child in respect of a child being taken away on holiday in term time. The school term dates are shared with parents well in advance.
Pupils have 13 weeks leave from school each year and holidays should be planned and taken then.
A child’s absence will be considered unauthorised when;
- Parents allow children to stay off school unnecessarily
- Reasons for absence have not been satisfactorily explained
- Children who arrive too late at school to receive a mark without an acceptable reason, i.e. after registers have closed.
- Children are taken on holiday in term time
Please find below the school’s Attendance Policy:
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May we remind parents that all payments must be made through the MyEd app for Breakfast Club fees
Guidelines for school available under INFORMATION > PUBLIC HEALTH tabs at top of page
Opening times 7.30 a.m. – 8.50 a.m. £5.00 Booking essential All fees are payable in advance Payments to